How much space do I need to play Atlantis at my venue?

Ideally, each player has at least 2x2m (6.5×6.5ft) to play the game.

What VR HMDs are supported?

We currently support the HTC Vive Pro, HTC Vive Focus 3, Oculus Quest 2, Oculus Quest 3, Pico 4 and Valve Index. Any new headsets will be supported accordingly.

Is Atlantis suitable for first time VR players?

Atlantis has been specifically designed with first-time players and VR arcades in mind.

Is Atlantis suitable for experienced VR players?

Yes, also players with lots of experience in VR will have a challenge in Atlantis.

How long is a session in Atlantis?

We recommend hosting Atlantis Sessions between 40-60 minutes

Where can I get Atlantis?

Atlantis will be available on multiple VR licensing platforms such as ArviVR, Delusion VR, Octopod VR, SpringboardVR, SynthesisVR, and Viveport.

Is Atlantis a standalone VR game?

No, Atlantis requires a connected PC to be playable.

Is Atlantis easily accessible?

Yes, there will be easy ways to control your character and to explore the world.